In this tutorial, we will learn about joining data with
, pivoting data frame with tidyr
, and
data visualization with ggplot2
. These three packages are
the most widely used packages within the tidyverse
for data
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To demonstrate joining data, let’s create two simple data frames, one
with customer purchases and the other with product information. The
connection between these two data frames is the product_id
Within dplyr
syntax, product_id
is called a
key variable.
Before we can begin, we must load the tidyverse
purchases <- tibble(customer_id = c(45, 12, 100, 100, 54, 25),
product_id = c(1, 1, 3, 5, 6, 1))
products <- tibble(product_id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
product_type = c("Tennis ball", "Soccer ball", "Hockey puck",
"Football", "Basketball", "Baseball"),
price = c(1.25, 22.25, 8.75, 15.25, 17.25, 7.25))
# View data
First we will focus on mutating joins. A mutating join allows you to combine variables from two data frames. Observations are matched by their values on the key variable.
The syntax for a left join is as follows:
left_join(A, B, by = "key")
A left join will return all rows from A
, and all columns
that appear in both A
and B
Rows in A
with no match in B
on the key
variable are returned as missing (NA
) values.
Rows in A
with multiple matches in B
will be
Let’s see some examples of left joins.
# Bring in product information to purchases data
left_join(purchases, products, by = "product_id")
# Bring in purchase data to product table
left_join(products, purchases, by = "product_id")
We can also use the select()
function to only join a
subset of a data frame.
# Bring in product prices only
products %>% select(product_id, price),
by = "product_id")
The syntax for a right join is as follows:
right_join(A, B, by = "key")
A right join will return all rows from B
, and all
columns that appear in both A
and B
Rows in B
with no match in A
on the key
variable are returned as missing (NA
) values.
Rows in B
with multiple matches in A
will be
Any right join can also be written as a left join. Let’s see some examples of right joins.
# Bring in product information to purchases data
right_join(products, purchases, by = "product_id")
# Bring in purchase data to product table
right_join(purchases, products, by = "product_id")
The syntax for an inner join is as follows:
inner_join(A, B, by = "key")
An inner join will return all rows from A
where there
are matching key values in B
, and all columns that appear
in both A
and B
If there are multiple matches between A
and B
all combinations of these matches are returned
Let’s see some examples of inner joins.
# All observations in products and purchases with all combinations
inner_join(products, purchases, by = "product_id")
# Same result, just ordered differently
inner_join(purchases, products, by = "product_id")
The syntax for a full join is as follows:
full_join(A, B, by = "key")
A full join will return all rows and all columns from both
and B
. Where there are no matching key
values, an NA
is returned.
# Returning all observations in both tables
full_join(products, purchases, by = "product_id")
Next, we will discuss filtering joins. Mutating
joins allowed us to combine variables from two tables, but if matching
key values were not found, then a missing (NA
) value was
generated. Filtering joins are desgined to remove data were there are no
matching key values across tables. Also, filtering joins will not
duplicate key values with multiple matches across tables.
The syntax for a semi join is as follows:
semi_join(A, B, by = "key")
A semi join will return all rows from A
where there are
matching key values in B
, keeping just the columns from
A semi join differs from an inner join. An inner join will return one
row of A
for each matching row of B
. A semi
join will never duplicate rows of A
Let’s see some examples of semi joins.
# All rows in products that also appeared in purchases (by product_id)
semi_join(products, purchases, by = "product_id")
# All rows in purchases that also appear in products (by product_id)
semi_join(purchases, products, by = "product_id")
The syntax for an anti join is as follows:
anti_join(A, B, by = "key")
An anti join will return all rows from A
where there are
no matching key values in B
, keeping just the columns from
Let’s see some examples of anti joins.
# All rows in products that did not appear in purchases (by product_id)
anti_join(products, purchases, by = "product_id")
# All rows in purchases that did not appear in products (by product_id)
# We get an empty data frame in this case
anti_join(purchases, products, by = "product_id")
Often times when joining data frames together, the key variable that
links multiple datasets together may have different names in the various
data frames. See the example data frames below where a unique country
identifier, the ISO3 code, appears as ‘country_code’ in a different
table. To join the sample data frames below, we must specify the input
to the by
argument as follows:
by = c("key value name in first table" = "key value name in second table")
# Country table 1
countries_1 <- tibble(ISO3 = c("AFG", "IND", "CHN", "USA"),
population_millions = c(37.21, 1368.73, 1420.06, 329.1))
# Country table 2
countries_2 <- tibble(country_code = c("AFG", "IND", "CHN", "USA"),
country_name = c("Afghanistan", "India", "China",
"United States"))
# View data
The code below demonstrates how to join these data frames.
left_join(countries_1, countries_2,
by = c("ISO3" = "country_code"))
A composite key is a combination of variable values that uniquely
identify a row within a data frame. In the sample data frames that are
created below, the composite keys for patients_1
first_name, last_name, date_of_birth
first, last, date_of_birth
. To join these patient records,
we extend our inputs to the by
argument as demonstrated
# patients_1
patients_1 <- tibble(first_name = c("Mia", "Vivian", "Vivian", "Tyler"),
last_name = c("Wallace", "Ward", "Ward", "Durden"),
date_of_birth = c("05-12-1994", "06-02-1990",
"08-04-1994", "05-28-1999"),
gender = c("female", "female", "female", "male"))
# patients_2
patients_2 <- tibble(first = c("Tyler", "Mia", "Vivian", "Vivian"),
last = c("Durden", "Wallace", "Ward", "Ward"),
date_of_birth = c("05-28-1999", "05-12-1994",
"06-02-1990", "08-04-1994"),
blood_pressure = c("140/85", "130/86", "110/72", "120/80"))
# Combining the data
left_join(patients_1, patients_2,
by = c("first_name" = "first",
"last_name" = "last",
"date_of_birth" = "date_of_birth"))
To stack two or more data frames vertically by row, we can use the
function from the dplyr
This task is common when an analyst needs to combine data from multiple
sources. For bind_rows()
to work properly, all input data
frames should contain the same variables (column names), but not
necessarily in the same order.
In the example below, we have two sample data sets that correspond to sales revenue from two different store locations. Our goal is to place the data into one file which can be used for data analysis in the future.
If we supply input to the optional .id
argument of
, it will create an ID variable in the combined
data frame and name that variable with what we have provided. The ID
variable is created as a sequence starting at 1 and ending at the total
number of data frames that are being combined.
# Sample data 1
store_a <- tibble(day = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday"),
date = c("02-04-2019", "02-05-2019", "02-06-2019"),
sales = c(120452, 574632, 329342))
# Sample data 2
store_b <- tibble(day = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Thursday"),
date = c("02-04-2019", "02-05-2019", "02-07-2019"),
sales = c(750452, 974332, 527342))
combined_data <- bind_rows(store_a, store_b,
.id = "store")
# View results
# Without creating an ID variable
bind_rows(store_a, store_b)
To stack two or more data frames horizontally by columns, we can use
the bind_cols()
function from the dplyr
# Store A profit
store_a_profit <-tibble(profit = c(80578, 420145, 247587))
# Add this column to store_a data frame
store_a_combined <- bind_cols(store_a, store_a_profit)
The tidyr
package is useful for transforming data frames
from long and wide formats based on key-value pairs. The functions we
will be using from tidyr
include pivot_wider()
and pivot_longer()
Intuitively, pivot_wider()
is used to transform the
values of a data frame variable into multiple columns (long to wide
format). Conversely, pivot_longer()
is used to collapse
multiple columns into a single variable (wide to long format).
The tidyr
package contains 5 sample data frames,
, table2
, table3
, and table4b
, that have the same data
on the prevalence of a disease in Afghanistan, Brazil, and China (just
in different formats). They are loaded to your R
when you import the tidyverse
To demonstrate the pivot_wider()
function, we will be
working with the table2
data frame. Let’s first have a look
at the data.
The pivot_wider()
function takes many arguments as
input, but the 4 most important ones are listed below.
- a data frame to pivotnames_from
- the quoted column name in
whose distinct values will be spread into multiple
- the quoted column name in
with the corresponding values associated with the
- default is NA
. If a
name-value pair is missing, this is what the result is filled withLet’s see an example. The figure below is a visualization of the
function applied to the table2
data frame. Here we pivot the unique values of the type
variable into their own columns and fill them with the corresponding
values from the count
# Pivot unique values of "type" variable into multiple columns
pivot_wider(table2, names_from = 'type', values_from = 'count')
When it is your goal to convert from wide to long format, use the
function. The pivot_longer()
function takes a data frame and collapses multiple columns into a single
The pivot_longer()
function takes many arguments as
input, but the 4 most important ones are listed below.
- a data frame to pivotcols
- a vector of columns names (either quoted or raw)
to pivot into a single variablenames_to
- a string specifying the name of the column
to create from the columns in the cols
- a string specifying the name of the column
to create from the associated values of the columns in the
argumentTo demonstrate the pivot_longer()
function we will be
using table1
This table contains the same data as table2
, just in a
different format.
# View the data
Let’s say that we need to collect the cases
columns into a single column that we want to
name value_type
and the associated values into a column
named total_count
. The code below achieves this task.
pivot_longer(table1, cols = c(cases, population),
names_to = 'value_type',
values_to = 'total_count')
The tidyr
package can be used to perform a wide range of
complex data re-structuring tasks. This is an important skill to develop
if you plan on working with data and I recommend that you go through all
of the examples in the tidyr documentation
This section will cover the basics of data visualization with
. Most of the data visualizations that you will be
required to produce follow the same general template, displayed
To create different types of graphics with ggplot2
, such
as scatter plots or bar graphs, you will only need to adjust the input
in brackets with the appropriate input or functions.
makes use of the +
operator. This
is not the addition operator that is used in base
Since ggplot2
was created before dplyr
, the
operator was used instead of the %>%
operator, but within ggplot2
, the +
functions the same way as %>%
functions in
ggplot(data = [DATA], mapping = aes([MAPPING]) +
labs(title = [TITLE],
We will be creating data visualizations using a data frame that
contains information on patients in a heart disease study. The data is
loaded with the code below. Each row in this data frame represents a
patient and their outcomes on medical tests. Each patient eventually did
or did not develop heart disease. This is captured by the
heart_df <- readRDS(url(''))
# View the data
I will introduce each bracketed parameter in the template above by building a series of scatter plots that adds on each layer. We will be using the Heart Disease data set.
The code below produces a simple scatter plot. The data parameter in
takes the data frame that contains your data. The
option in the mapping parameter stands for aesthetic
Below we are telling ggplot()
to map the
column values in heart_df
to the x-axis
and the cholesterol
column values to the y-axis. This
produces (x,y) pairs that are mapped to coordinates on the graph.
Finally, we add the geom_point()
function which tells
that you would like points to be displayed on the
coordinate mappings you have created.
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = age, y = cholesterol)) +
All geom
functions take optional aesthetic values. These
include, color
, size
, and alpha
(to control opacity). When these parameters are placed within a
function and outside of the aes
they are applied to all points. You can specify the
name of a color in R
such as “orange” or by supplying a HEX
code as I did below.
Below, I am styling the points to have size 2, a blue color using the HEX code #006EA1, and 45% opacity.
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = age, y = cholesterol)) +
geom_point(color = "#006EA1", size = 2, alpha = 0.45)
Now we want to visualize the scatter plot by groups, those with heart disease and those without.
We can color the points by the value of the
variable as follows. Add
color = heart_disease
inside of the aes
function within the mapping. This adds to the original mapping that we
provided to ggplot()
Now we have mapped each point to three attributes (age
, color based on heart_disease
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = age, y = cholesterol, color = heart_disease)) +
We can also visualize a third variable by adding the
This function separates the scatter plot based on the value of
The general syntax is
facet_wrap( ~ Your_facet_variable, nrow = rows_you_would_like)
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = age, y = cholesterol)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(~ heart_disease, nrow = 2)
If you would like to keep the heart_disease
values as
different colors, just add color = heart_disease
Below I demonstrate what changing the nrow
option will
do to your plot.
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = age, y = cholesterol, color = heart_disease)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(~ heart_disease, nrow = 1)
We can visualize the scatter plot by combinations of character or
factor variables. If you are faceting by more than one variable, use the
The general syntax for facet_grid()
facet_grid(Vertical_variable ~ Horizontal_variable)
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = age, y = cholesterol, color = heart_disease)) +
geom_point() +
facet_grid(heart_disease ~ fasting_blood_sugar)
Finally, let’s change the title and labels of our plot.
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = age, y = cholesterol, color = heart_disease)) +
geom_point() +
facet_grid(heart_disease ~ fasting_blood_sugar) +
labs(title = "Cholesteral vs Age by Heart Disease and Fasting Blood Sugar Levels",
x = "Patient Age",
y = "Patient Cholesterol")
Now that we have gone through the layers of the template, let’s see what adjustments are needed to create a bar chart.
Let’s visualize the number of patients with and without heart
disease. Now our aes
mapping in ggplot()
has one variable, heart_disease.
To produce a bar chart, we use the geom_bar()
The stat = "count"
option tells ggplot()
transform the heart_disease
column values and generate the
counts for each level, Yes or No.
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = heart_disease)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count")
In the graph above, behind the scenes ggplot()
computing the following transformation to obtain the counts for each
level of heart_disease
heart_df %>% group_by(heart_disease) %>%
summarise(count = n())
If you wanted to compute the summary statistics yourself, you could do the following.
Using dplyr
, create a summary data frame,
, that has two variables,
and count
. The
variable will have the number of patients that belong
to the corresponding value of heart_disease
Next, you must add y = count
into the aes
option in ggplot()
. This tells ggplot()
you want to plot two pairs of coordinates (heart_disease value, count
for heart_disease value). In this example, (No, 160), and (Yes,
Finally, you must change stat = "count"
to stat = "identity"
heart_summary <- heart_df %>%
group_by(heart_disease) %>%
summarise(count = n())
#View results
# Plot the data, same as before
ggplot(data = heart_summary, mapping = aes(x = heart_disease, y = count)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity")
Let’s use this same methodology to plot a bar chart of average
, by chest_pain
. This time, let’s make
the bars blue with a white border and add text labels. To change the bar
color for all bars, use the fill
option within
. To change the border color, use
oldpeak_summary <- heart_df %>% group_by(chest_pain) %>%
summarise(avg_oldpeak = mean(old_peak))
# View results
# Plot the data
ggplot(data = oldpeak_summary, mapping = aes(x = chest_pain, y = avg_oldpeak)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#006EA1", color = "white") +
labs(title = "Average Old Peak by Chest Pain",
x = "Chest Pain",
y = "Average Old Peak")
To reorder the categorical values of either the x or y axis on a bar
chart, we can use the reorder()
function from base
The reorder()
function has two required arguments - a
vector of values in the first argument and another vector of values of
equal length as the second argument by which to sort the first. Let’s
see some examples below.
ggplot(data = oldpeak_summary, mapping = aes(x = reorder(chest_pain, avg_oldpeak),
y = avg_oldpeak)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#006EA1", color = "white") +
labs(title = "Average Old Peak by Chest Pain",
x = "Chest Pain",
y = "Average Old Peak")
# To sort values in reverse order, simply put a minus (-) in
# front of the second variable
ggplot(data = oldpeak_summary, mapping = aes(x = reorder(chest_pain, -avg_oldpeak),
y = avg_oldpeak)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#006EA1", color = "white") +
labs(title = "Average Old Peak by Chest Pain",
x = "Chest Pain",
y = "Average Old Peak")
Let’s go back to our original bar chart that showed the number of
patients with and without heart disease. If we wanted to color the bars
by heart_disease
value, we can perform the same step as
with the scatter plot. Now we add fill = heart_disease
the aes
When you add the fill
option into aes
updates the aesthetic mapping to include three dimensions for each bar
value, count, fill color of
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = heart_disease, fill = heart_disease)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
labs(title = "Heart Disease Prevalence", x = "Heart Disease Status",
y = "Number of Patients")
We can add a facet variable in the same way as we did with the
scatter plot example, by adding facet_wrap()
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = heart_disease, fill = heart_disease)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
facet_wrap(~ chest_pain, nrow = 1) +
labs(title = "Heart Disease Prevalence by Chest Pain", x = "Heart Disease Status",
y = "Number of Patients")
If we add a variable to aes(fill = )
that is different
from the variable mapped to the x-axis, then we create a stacked bar
The variable which we add to the fill
option in
, will add a color based on the level of that variable
and will display its width by the number of observations in the
Below we create a stacked bar chart by adding the
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = heart_disease, fill = chest_pain)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
labs(title = "Heart Disease Prevalence by Chest Pain",
x = "Heart Disease Status",
y = "Number of Patients")
We can also create a 100 percent stacked column chart by adding
position = "fill"
into geom_bar()
. This will
display the proportion of observations that fall into the various values
of chest_pain
within each heart_disease
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = heart_disease, fill = chest_pain)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count", position = "fill") +
labs(title = "Heart Disease Prevalence by Chest Pain",
x = "Heart Disease Status",
y = "Proportion of Patients")
A third option for working with stacked bar plots is to add
position = "dodge"
within geom_bar()
to stack
bars side by side.
These type of plots are usually used to compare multiple values or proportions that are changing over time.
Let’s apply this style to our visualization of
and chest_pain
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = heart_disease, fill = chest_pain)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count", position = "dodge") +
labs(title = "Heart Disease Prevalence by Chest Pain",
x = "Heart Disease Status",
y = "Number of Patients")
To obtain a column chart, we can first build a bar chart and then use
the coord_flip()
function to flip the x and y axes. In the
example below, we first build a bar chart and then take the necessary
steps to build a column chart.
ggplot(data = heart_df, aes(x = fasting_blood_sugar, fill = heart_disease)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
labs(title = "Fasting Blood Sugar Level by Heart Disease Status",
x = "Fasting Blood Sugar", y = "Number of Patients")
ggplot(data = heart_df, aes(x = fasting_blood_sugar, fill = heart_disease)) +
geom_bar(stat = "count") +
labs(title = "Fasting Blood Sugar Level by Heart Disease Status",
x = "Fasting Blood Sugar", y = "Number of Patients") +
Histograms are used to visualize the distribution of continuous
variables. They automatically create a series of bins
combine the values of a numeric variable into categories. Then the
number of times the original values fall into these bins is counted and
displayed as a vertical bar. These graphs are used to visually assess
the properties of numeric variables, such as symmetry, skewness,
variability, and central tendency.
To create a histogram, use the geom_histogram()
function. In the example below I have added
fill = "#006EA1"
and color = "white"
the geom_histogram()
function. The fill
specifies the bar color, while the color
option specifies
the border color of the bars, just as in bar charts.
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = resting_blood_pressure)) +
geom_histogram(fill = "#006EA1", color = "white") +
labs(title = "Distribution of Resting Blood Pressure",
x = "Resting Blood Pressure",
y = "Number of Patients")
The default number of bins for histograms is set to 30. To change
this, adjust the bins
option within the
function. In the example below, the
histogram is created using 15 bins for the RestBP
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = resting_blood_pressure)) +
geom_histogram(fill = "#006EA1", color = "white", bins = 15) +
labs(title = "Distribution of Resting Blood Pressure",
x = "Resting Blood Pressure",
y = "Number of Patients")
Let’s look at the distribution of resting_blood_pressure
by the heart_disease
variable. We can do this by faceting.
I demonstrate how to do this with one and two facet variables in the
code below
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = resting_blood_pressure, fill = heart_disease)) +
geom_histogram(color = "white", bins = 15) +
facet_wrap( ~ heart_disease, nrow = 1) +
labs(title = "Distribution of Resting Blood Pressure",
x = "Resting Blood Pressure",
y = "Number of Patients")
We can use facet_grid()
to add another variable to the
visualization, thalassemia
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = resting_blood_pressure, fill = heart_disease)) +
geom_histogram( color = "white", bins = 15) +
facet_grid(heart_disease ~ thalassemia) +
labs(title = "Distribution of Resting Blood Pressure",
x = "Resting Blood Pressure",
y = "Number of Patients")
Density histograms are used to determine whether a particular theoretical probability density function is a good fit to model the dynamics of that variable in a population. Unlike regular histograms, which provide counts of a numeric variable for a series of bins, density histograms provide the proportion of observations falling within a series of bins.
To create a density histogram, use the same syntax as when creating a
standard histogram, with the exception of adding
y = ..density..
into the aes()
# Density histogram of resting_blood_pressure
ggplot(data = heart_df, mapping = aes(x = resting_blood_pressure, y = ..density..)) +
geom_histogram(fill = "#006EA1", color = "white", bins = 15) +
labs(title = "Distribution of Resting Blood Pressure",
x = "Resting Blood Pressure",
y = "Proportion of Patients")
Box plots are a powerful tool for exploring the central tendency and
variability of numeric data by various levels of a factor or character.
In the examples below, we will produce boxplots with
The geom
function used is
For boxplots, the x
argument in aes
be a character or factor variable. The “Box” in boxplots represents the
IQR (25th - 75th percentiles of data values).
In the next couple of examples, let’s use the built-in data frame,
which has data on over 200 cars and their associated
features such as city and highway miles per gallon.
The boxplot below visualizes the distribution of hwy
values by car class
# Box plots of "hwy" variable by "class"
ggplot(data = mpg, mapping = aes(x = class, y = hwy)) +
geom_boxplot(fill = "#006EA1") +
labs(title = "Boxplot of hwy by class", x = "Class of Vehicle",
y = "Miles per Gallon Highway (hwy)")
To color the boxplots by the level of a character or factor variable,
we must add this to the aesthetic mapping aes()
In the example below, let’s use the reorder()
to sort the categories on the x-axis.
The reorder()
function takes an optional third argument,
, which is usually an aggregation function.
In the example below, we are reordering the class
categories on the x-axis by the median value of hwy
each class
ggplot(data = mpg, mapping = aes(x = reorder(class, hwy, FUN = median),
y = hwy, fill = class)) +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(title = "Boxplot of hwy by class",
x = "Class",
y = "Miles per Gallon Highway (hwy)")
In cases where the factor of character variable has long labels, it
is useful to use the coord_flip()
function to switch the
order of the axes in the plot. This is demonstrated below.
# Boxplot fill colors by "class" variable values and flip axes
ggplot(data = mpg, mapping = aes(x = reorder(class, hwy, FUN = median),
y = hwy, fill = class)) +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(title = "Boxplot of hwy by class",
x = "Class", y = "Miles per Gallon Highway (hwy)") +
A violin plot is another way to visualize numeric variables by character or factor categories to study the numeric value distributions.
In ggplot2
, the geom_violin()
produces these plots. It is similar to a box plot except that instead of
displaying a box for the inter-quartile range (IQR), it display what’s
known as a kernel density estimate
A kernel density estimate is simply an estimated probability density function that is plotted along the vertical axis of the plot, symmetrically on both sides.
The more this function sticks out (greater width), the more the original data points are located in that region of the y-axis.
This visualization is best combined with geom_jitter()
which overlays the original data points onto the vertical axis. The
argument gives the amount by which to scatter the
data points and the alpha
argument provides the level of
color saturation (0.5 represents 50% of the completely filled data
ggplot(data = mpg, mapping = aes(x = reorder(class, hwy, FUN = median),
y = hwy, fill = class)) +
geom_violin() +
geom_jitter(width = 0.07, alpha = 0.5) +
labs(title = "Violin Plot of hwy by class",
x = "Class", y = "Miles per Gallon Highway (hwy)")
To create line charts, we use the geom_line()
Let’s say we are interested in studying the average maximum heart
rate (max_heart_rate
variable) and by patient
. First, I will use dplyr
to create a
summary data frame with this information.
heart_summary <- heart_df %>% group_by(age) %>%
summarise(patients = n(),
avg_max_hr = mean(max_heart_rate)) %>%
arrange(age) %>%
filter(patients >= 5) # Keep Ages with at least 5 patients
# Let's take a look at the results
Let’s plot a line chart with avg_max_hr
on the y-axis
and age
on the x-axis
ggplot(data = heart_summary, mapping = aes(x = age, y = avg_max_hr)) +
geom_line(color = "#0072B2")
Now let’s include points in the line chart.
ggplot(data = heart_summary, mapping = aes(x = age, y = avg_max_hr)) +
geom_line(color = "#0072B2") +
geom_point(color = "#0072B2")
Finally, if you are not a fan of the default grey background in
, just add theme_light()
to the end of
any plot. There are many more themes available in ggplot2
such as theme_bw(), or theme_classic(). Feel free to experiment with
ggplot(data = heart_summary, mapping = aes(x = age, y = avg_max_hr)) +
geom_line(color = "#0072B2") +
geom_point(color = "#0072B2") +
To learn more about the advanced data visualization capabilities of
please see the ggplot2
Copyright © David Svancer 2023 |