In this tutorial, we will learn about R functions and data analysis with the tidyverse package.

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In this section will learn about common built-in functions that are useful for obtaining summary statistics, ranking data, and data analysis. We will also learn how to write our own custom functions in R.

Built-in Functions


The functions below are useful for studying the distribution of numeric values within a data set. All of these functions take a numeric vector as their input.

  • min()
    • Returns the minimum value
  • max()
    • Returns the maximum value
  • range()
    • Returns a vector of length 2 with the range of observed values (minimum and maximum values)
  • median()
    • Returns the median value (50th percentile)
  • fivenum()
    • Returns a vector of length 5 with the minimum, 25th percentile, median, 75th percentile, maximum values
  • quantile()
    • Returns the specified percentile(s) of a set of numeric values


Obtaining the range of values present in a numeric vector.

data_vector <- c(3, 9, 11.2, 14, 28.7, 30, 15, 21, 5.7, 9.1, 24.6)

# minimum value in data_vector
[1] 3
# maximum value
[1] 30
# range of data values
[1]  3 30

The median() and quantile() functions are used for obtaining specific percentiles from a distribution of numbers. A percentile of a set of numbers is a value below which a given percentage of the total values fall at or below. For example, the 50th percentile (also called the median) represents the center of a set of numeric data. This means that 50% of all the values are less than or equal to the 50th percentile.

The quantile() function requires two inputs. The first is a numeric vector of data values and the second is a vector with values ranging from 0 to 1, representing the percentile(s) to calculate.

# median
[1] 14
# 30th percentile
quantile(data_vector, 0.3)
# 30th, 60th, and 90th percentiles
quantile(data_vector, c(0.3, 0.6, 0.9))
 30%  60%  90% 
 9.1 15.0 28.7 

The fivenum() function calculates the five number summary (min, 25th, median, 75th, max) of a numeric vector.

[1]  3.0  9.1 14.0 22.8 30.0

Mean and Standard Deviation

The mean() and sd() functions are used to calculate the mean and standard deviation of a set of data values.

# mean value
[1] 16
# standard deviation
[1] 9.2

Adding Elements of a Numeric Vector

The sum() and cumsum() functions are used for summing the numbers within a vector. The sum() function simply returns the sum of all numbers within a vector.

The cumsum() functions calculates a cumulative sum for every position within a vector. This function always returns a vector of the same length as the input.

# sum of all values
[1] 171
# cumulative sum
 [1]   3  12  23  37  66  96 111 132 138 147 171

Functions Useful for Ranking Data

The abs() and rank() functions are useful for ranking data values. The abs() function returns the absolute values of a vector.

negative_data <- c(-2, 4.5, -6, 10, 12)

# returns the absolute value of all elements
[1]  2.0  4.5  6.0 10.0 12.0

The rank() function returns the ranks of a set of data values from smallest to largest. The smallest value is given a rank of 1.

 [1]  3.0  9.0 11.2 14.0 28.7 30.0 15.0 21.0  5.7  9.1 24.6
 [1]  1  3  5  6 10 11  7  8  2  4  9

To obtain ranks from largest to smallest, where rank 1 represents the largest value, just take the rank of the negative of a numeric vector. In the example below, the value 30 is given a rank of 1.

 [1]  3.0  9.0 11.2 14.0 28.7 30.0 15.0 21.0  5.7  9.1 24.6
 [1] 11  9  7  6  2  1  5  4 10  8  3

Introduction to Data Analysis

This section will cover the basics of data manipulation using the tidyverse package. Before we can use the package, we must load it into our environment with the following code library(tidyverse). This will import all of the functions available in the tidyverse package into our environment.The tidyverse is a collection of 8 packages that are designed specifically for data science tasks.

In this course, I have installed all required packages into our RStudio Cloud environment. If you are ever working with RStudio on your desktop, you must install packages before they can be used. This is done with the following code install.packages('tidyverse').

To get more details about the tidyverse package see the tidyverse documentation

We will also load the skimr package which is used for exploring the structure of a data frame.

# This will load all 8 of the tidyverse packages

The code below will import a data set from our course website. The data consists of 1,470 employee records for a U.S. based product company. The rows in this data frame represent the attributes of an employee at this company across the variables listed in the table below.

Variable Definition
left_company Did the employee leave the company? (Yes/No)
department Department within the company
job_level Job Level (Associate - Vice President)
salary Employee yearly salary (US Dollars)
weekly_hours Self-reported average weekly hours spent on the job (company survey)
business_travel Level of required business travel
yrs_at_company Tenure at the company (years)
yrs_since_promotion Years since last promotion
previous_companies Number of previous companies for which the employee has worked
job_satisfaction Self-reported job satisfaction (company survey)
performance_rating Most recent annual performance rating
marital_status Marital status (Single, Married, or Divorced)
miles_from_home Distance from employee address to office location

This data is a special type of data frame known as a tibble. All data frames in the tidyverse are usually stored in this format. It has special properties which include better printing features and labels for column data types.

employee_data <-readRDS(url(''))

# View data

Exploring Data Frames with skimr

The first step in a data analysis project is to explore your data source. This includes summarizing the values within each column, checking for missing data, checking the data types of each column, and verifying the number of rows and columns.

The skim() function can be used to accomplish all of this. It takes your data frame as an argument. In the output below, we first get the number of rows and columns along with the data types present in our data.

The results are then grouped by the type of variables in our data.

First we get a summary of our factor variables, including the number of missing observations, whether our factor levels are ordered, the count of unique levels, and an abbreviated list of the most frequent factor levels.

Then we get a summary of our numeric variables which include the number of missing observations, the mean and standard deviation, a five number summary, and a plot of the distribution of values.

# View data frame properties and summary statistics
Data summary
Name employee_data
Number of rows 1470
Number of columns 13
Column type frequency:
factor 7
numeric 6
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
left_company 0 1 FALSE 2 No: 1233, Yes: 237
department 0 1 FALSE 6 IT : 399, Res: 293, Sal: 252, Mar: 238
job_level 0 1 FALSE 5 Sen: 476, Man: 344, Dir: 331, Ass: 185
business_travel 0 1 FALSE 3 Rar: 1043, Fre: 277, Non: 150
job_satisfaction 0 1 FALSE 4 Ver: 459, Hig: 442, Low: 289, Med: 280
performance_rating 0 1 FALSE 5 Mee: 546, Exc: 472, Exc: 286, Min: 136
marital_status 0 1 FALSE 3 Mar: 673, Sin: 470, Div: 327

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
salary 0 1 94076.2 37590.2 29849 70379 88556 117100 212135 ▃▇▃▁▁
weekly_hours 0 1 50.0 4.8 40 47 49 52 66 ▂▇▃▂▁
yrs_at_company 0 1 7.0 6.1 0 3 5 9 40 ▇▂▁▁▁
yrs_since_promotion 0 1 2.2 3.2 0 0 1 3 15 ▇▁▁▁▁
previous_companies 0 1 3.2 1.6 1 2 3 4 7 ▇▇▂▂▃
miles_from_home 0 1 9.2 8.1 1 2 7 14 29 ▇▅▂▂▂

It is also possible to select a subset of variables to explore. Just pass a sequence of unquoted variable names into the skim() function.

The skimr package has many more features for exploring data. Once we cover the fundamentals of dplyr in the next sections, I encourage interested students to explore the skimr documentation

# View data frame properties and summary statistics
skim(employee_data, left_company, department, salary, weekly_hours)
Data summary
Name employee_data
Number of rows 1470
Number of columns 13
Column type frequency:
factor 2
numeric 2
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
left_company 0 1 FALSE 2 No: 1233, Yes: 237
department 0 1 FALSE 6 IT : 399, Res: 293, Sal: 252, Mar: 238

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
salary 0 1 94076 37590.2 29849 70379 88556 117100 212135 ▃▇▃▁▁
weekly_hours 0 1 50 4.8 40 47 49 52 66 ▂▇▃▂▁

Data Manipulation with dplyr

In this section we will cover data manipulation with the dplyr package. This is one of the core tidyverse packages used for exploring data frames.

Chapter 5 of R for Data Science, covers the basics of manipulating data frames in R. In this tutorial, I would like to provide additional examples of the main functions of dplyr, including filter(), select(), arrange(), summarise(), and mutate().

The first argument to all of these functions is a data frame, followed by additional arguments that perform various manipulations on the data. The output from all of these functions will also be a special type of data frame known as a tibble.


The filter() function is used for subsetting rows of a data frame. It is much more intuitive than subsetting with the base R functions [ ] and [[ ]].

The first argument to filter() is a data frame, followed by one or more logical conditions on the variables within the data frame. Logical conditions separated by a comma are treated as an AND (&) operation. The advantage of dplyr, is that you can pass variable names of a data frame in raw, unquoted format to many functions. The filter() function returns a data frame that has been subsetted by the logical conditions within its arguments.

# employees that left the company
filter(employee_data, left_company == 'Yes') 

# View employees that left from the Sales department
filter(employee_data, left_company == 'Yes', department == 'Sales') 

To filter a data frame using an OR condition, we must use the | operator.

# employees from Sales or Marketing department
filter(employee_data, department == 'Sales' | department == 'Marketing')

Another way to execute OR statements is by using the %in% function. This function is used to check whether a column’s variable values match at least one element within a vector. In many cases, it can save lots of typing. The code below will produce the same result as the previous command

# employees from Sales or Marketing department
filter(employee_data, department %in% c('Sales', 'Marketing'))

What if we are interested in employees from Sales or Marketing that make over $80,000? We can just add another condition to the previous code. Remember that conditions separated by a comma represent an AND operation. So in the code below, we are passing the following condition: employees with salary > 80000 AND (department is Sales OR department is Marketing)

# employees from Sales or Marketing department
filter(employee_data, salary > 80000, department %in% c('Sales', 'Marketing'))


The select() function allows you to select a subset of columns from a data frame. There are multiple ways to enter the selection condition and many helper functions, such as starts_with(), ends_with(), and contains(). See the documentation for more examples.

We can select columns by used unquoted column names.

# Select the first three columns
select(employee_data, left_company, department, job_level)

We can also select columns by using their numeric positions

# Select the first three columns with a numeric vector
select(employee_data, c(1, 2, 3))

We can also pass a sequence of numeric positions separated by a comma.

# Select the first three columns with raw numbers
select(employee_data, 1, 2, 3)

Adding a - in front of numeric positions or variable names excludes those variables and returns all others

# Select all columns except department and job_level
select(employee_data, -department, -job_level)

# Exclude the first 5 columns
select(employee_data, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5)
# Many times its easier to use a sequence
select(employee_data, -(1:5))

There are many helper functions available with the select() function. Below are two examples. The first selects columns that contain the word “job”. The second selects columns that start with the letter “y”

# Select all variables that contain the word Rest
select(employee_data, contains('job'))

# Select all variables that start with "y" (or "Y")
select(employee_data, starts_with("y"))


The arrange() function allows you to sort a data frame by specific columns. The default sorting order is ascending.

# Sort by left_company and salary
arrange(employee_data, left_company, salary)

To sort a column in descending order, wrap it in the desc() function.

# Sort by left company (descending) and salary (ascending)
arrange(employee_data, desc(left_company), salary)


The summarise() function allows you to create numerical summaries, such as averages, from the columns of a data frame. The summarise() function is an aggregation function, meaning that it takes input with multiple values and returns a single value. With a sample average, for example, we take a numeric vector with n numbers and summarize it with a single value, the average.

The summarise() function takes a data frame as the first argument followed by a sequence of functions to execute on the columns of the data frame.

Remember that dplyr functions will always return a data frame of results, even the results are a single number or row.

# Let's get the average salary
summarise(employee_data, average_salary = mean(salary))

# We can also create multiple summaries at once
summarise(employee_data, salary_min = min(salary),
                         salary_25th = quantile(salary, 0.25),
                         salary_50th = median(salary),
                         salary_75th = quantile(salary, 0.75),
                         salary_max =  max(salary))


The mutate() function allows you to create new variables in your data. The mutate() function is a window function. Window functions take input with n values and always return a result with n values. Like summarise(), mutate() takes a data frame as the first argument followed by a sequence of functions to execute on the columns of the data frame.

Let’s create a new variable salary_scaled that transforms the salary values by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. In the code below, I save this new data frame as employee_data_scaled.

# Create salary_scaled variable
employee_data_scaled <-  mutate(employee_data, 
                                salary_scaled = (salary - mean(salary))/sd(salary))

# Let's see the result
select(employee_data_scaled, salary, salary_scaled)

Combining Steps With The %>% Operator

One of the most useful tools in the tidyverse is the pipe operator, %>% . This operator allows users to combine multiple data manipulation tasks in one line of code.

The pipe operator tells R to take the object on the left and pass it to the right as the first argument to the next function. A keyboard shortcut for the pipe operator is Ctrl + Shift + m.

Let’s go through a simple example to demonstrate the %>% operator. Suppose I have a vector of numeric values and I need to do the following:

  • Calculate a vector with the cumulative sums using the cumsum() function
  • Calculate the median of this new vector with the median() function

The code below shows how this is done without the pipe operator. Most people new to programming find the code a bit difficult to read because the operations go from right to left.

cumsum(numeric_data) is evaluated first, then passed to the median() function on the left.

If we had an operation that required 3 or more steps, writing code in this way would quickly get confusing to understand and explain.

# Data values
numeric_data <- c(2, 5, 1, 7, 9, 10)

# Cumulative sum
[1]  2  7  8 15 24 34
# Median of the cumulative sum
[1] 12

The %>% operator can be used to write cleaner code that moves from right to left in a do this - then that fashion. In the code below, we first create the cumulative sum vector with cumsum() and then pass it to the first argument of the median() function. Most people find this style of coding much easier to understand.

cumsum(numeric_data) %>% median()
[1] 12

Using %>% with dplyr

The pipe operator makes it easy to create data analysis workflows with dplyr functions. When splitting steps across multiple lines, make sure that each line ends with %>% to prevent errors.

Let’s use %>% to create the following data analysis:

  • Start with our data, employee_data
  • Filter the data to select employees who left the company
  • Calculate their average salary

The code below demonstrates how to achieve this with one expression using the %>% operator.

Notice that we do not have to pass employee_data into the first argument of filter() since we have piped it in with the first %>%. The filter() function then produces a new data frame that only contains rows that have left_company values of “Yes”. This is then passed to the first argument of summarise() by the second %>%.

employee_data %>% 
  filter(left_company == 'Yes') %>% 
  summarise(average_salary = mean(salary))

For comparison, the code below executes the same workflow without the %>% operator. In this case, we must save our filtered data frame and pass it into summarise().

employees_left <- filter(employee_data, left_company == 'Yes')

summarise(employees_left, average_salary = mean(salary))

Advanced Data Manipulation

In this section, we will cover more advanced techniques for data manipulation with dplyr.


A common data analysis technique, known as split-apply-combine, involves creating statistical summaries by groups within a data frame.

Using the split-apply-combine technique with dplyr usually involves taking a data frame, forming subsets with the group_by() function, applying a summary function to to the groups, and collecting the results into a single data frame.


The group_by() function allows you to perform tasks by groups in your data. A typical application of the group_by() function is when addressing questions such as What’s the average salary of employees by department?

The group_by() will separate a data frame into distinct groups using the variable that is supplied as the argument. Any dplyr functions that follow afterward are applied to the groups within the grouped data frame.

Below is an example of how we would answer the question from above.

employee_data %>% 
  group_by(department) %>% 
  summarise(average_salary = mean(salary))

The group_by() functions can take multiple grouping variables. Just separate multiple grouping columns by a comma. For example, if we wanted to known the average salary of employees by department and job_level, we would execute the code below.

employee_data %>% 
  group_by(department, job_level) %>% 
  summarise(average_salary = mean(salary))

Counting rows with n() and count()

The group_by() function is also used for obtaining counts of factor or character variable values. The n() function returns the number of rows in a group.

# The n() function in dplyr returns the number of rows per group
employee_data %>% group_by(left_company) %>% 
                  summarise(number_employees = n())

This type of summary is so common, that dplyr provides a function named count() to provide counts by levels of single or multiple variable combinations. This function creates a column named n with the counts. The count() function is best used with factor or character columns that do not have too many unique values.

# Count the occurrence of each unique value in department
employee_data %>% count(department)

# Counts can be sorted
employee_data %>% count(department, sort = TRUE)

# Count variable can be renamed
employee_data %>% count(department, sort = TRUE, name = 'number_of_employees')

The count function also takes multiple variables as arguments. This will count all of the combinations of variable values that are present in the data.

# The count() function also takes multiple arguments
employee_data %>% count(left_company, department, name = 'number_of_employees')

Keep in mind that all dplyr functions return a data frame so we can easily use other dplyr functions on the results on count().

# Arrange the output by department and left_company
employee_data %>% count(left_company, department, name = 'number_of_employees') %>% 
  arrange(department, left_company)

One more example. How many employees are there by job satisfaction? What are their average miles from the office by each category?

employee_data %>% group_by(job_satisfaction) %>% 
                  summarise(number_of_employees = n(),
                            avg_miles = mean(miles_from_home))

Can you figure out why the code below doesn’t work?

employee_data %>% count(job_satisfaction, name = 'number_of_employees') %>% 
                  summarise(avg_miles = mean(miles_from_home))

Hint: highlight and execute the code below. What does this give you?

employee_data %>% count(job_satisfaction, name = 'number_of_employees')

This is what is being passed to summarise(). Why doesn’t summarise() know how to calculate the mean of the miles_from_home variable?

A Warning on Working With group_by()

When using group_by() it’s important to know that all summarise() and mutate() functions are applied by group. If you need to apply functions to all rows of a data frame and not by groups, then use the ungroup() function to un-group the input data frame.

Let’s say that we want to create a data frame that has employees grouped by left_company and job_level. For each group, we want the number of employees in that group and the percentage these employees represent of all employees in the data set.

In the code below, I first calculate this the incorrect way. Notice that the percent_total_employees sums to 200. This is because the mutate() function was applied to the grouped data frame that summarise() produced. So we get the percentage for each group within “Yes” and “No”.

# Not what we wanted
employee_data %>% group_by(left_company, job_level) %>% 
                  summarise(employees = n()) %>% 
                  mutate(percent_of_total_employees = 100*(employees/sum(employees)))

To avoid these type of surprises, I recommended dropping groups after summary statistics have been calculated. This is done with the ungroup() function.

# This is correct
employee_data %>% group_by(left_company, job_level) %>% 
                  summarise(employees = n()) %>% 
                  ungroup() %>% 
                  mutate(percent_of_total_employees = 100*(employees/sum(employees)))

Obtaining Distinct Values With n_distinct()

The n() function counts the number of rows in an data frame while the n_distinct() function counts the number of unique values observed in a variable. This is useful in many situations.

Like the n() function, n_distinct() is used within summarise() or mutate().

Let’s say we wanted to know the number of distinct departments that are in the employee_data data frame. The code below will calculate this. We simply pass the department variable into n_distinct()

employee_data %>% 
  summarise(number_of_departments = n_distinct(department))

Filtering data with slice() and top_n()

The top_n() function can be used to subset a data frame based on the ranked values of a particular variable. This function takes three inputs:

  • a data frame
  • number of rows to return
  • variable used for ordering

In the example below, I filter the employee_data dataset to include only the top 3 rows based on the salary values. By default, top_n() will return the rows with the 3 largest values of salary.

employee_data %>% top_n(3, salary)

If there are any ties, the top_n() function will return all values. Notice that we get 4 rows in the output below. This is because the top 3 values of yrs_at_company are 40, 37, and 36 and there are two instances of 36 in the data.

employee_data %>% top_n(3, yrs_at_company)

The slice() function is used to keep a certain number of rows in a results. If you want only the first 3 rows of a data frame, you could use slice(1:3). Let’s re-create the top 3 analysis we just performed, but this time we’ll keep only the first three 3 rows.

# Keep just the first 3 rows
employee_data %>% slice(1:3)

# Keep rows 1, 200, 1002
employee_data %>% slice(1, 200, 1002)

The slice() function can be used as an alternative to top_n() when paired with arrange(). This has the benefit of dropping tied values.

The code below returns the top 3 values of yrs_at_company just as above, but only keeps the first 3 rows. This is acheived by first ordering the values of yrs_at_company in descending order.

employee_data %>% arrange(desc(yrs_at_company)) %>% 

The slice() and top_n() functions are also useful for creating subsets by groups in a data frame. Let’s say that we wanted to filter the employee_data data frame to only include the top 2 employees with the largest values of salary for each department. The code below shows how we would accomplish this with top_n().

employee_data %>% group_by(department) %>% 
                  top_n(2, salary)

To make things easier to interpret, we can arrange the results from above by department and salary

employee_data %>% group_by(department) %>% 
                  top_n(2, salary) %>% 
                  arrange(department, desc(salary))

Using Logical Subsetting Within summarise

Special Properties of Logical Vectors in R

Imagine we have data from a survey we recently conducted where 7 people responded and provided their age. This data is stored in the age vector below.

age <- c(23, 31, 27, 41, 54, 34, 25)

[1] 23 31 27 41 54 34 25

What if we would like to know the number of people who are 30 or older and what percentage of the total respondents this group represents?

We can answer this question by first using the >= operator to find where values stored in the age vector are greater than or equal to the value 30. Anytime we use comparison operators (>, >=, <, <=, ==) on a vector, we will get a logical vector consisting of TRUE/FALSE values indicating where our condition was met.

For example, running the code below produces a sequence of TRUE/FALSE values that test where our respondents are 30 or older in the age vector.

age >= 30

Two Important Operations on Logical Vectors in R

To answer our question above, we can use the following properties of logical vectors in R:

  • the sum of a logical vector returns the number of TRUE values
  • the mean of a logical vector returns the proportion of TRUE values

We see from the output below that 4 people in our survey were 30 years or older and that this represents 57% of the total respondents.

sum(age >= 30)
[1] 4
mean(age >= 30)
[1] 0.57

Logical Subsetting Within summarise()

We can use these properties to extend our capabilities with summarise(). What if someone asked us how many employees there are by department and the count and proportion of those employees that make less than $60,0000?

employee_data %>% group_by(department) %>% 
                  summarise(employees = n(),
                            employees_less_60 = sum(salary < 60000),
                            employees_less_60_prop = mean(salary < 60000))

Creating Variables with case_when()

The case_when() function from the dplyr package is particularly useful when you need to create a new variable that relies on a complex combination of existing variables in a data frame.

The case_when() function takes a sequence of two-sided formulas. The left hand side determines which values match this case and the right hand side provides the replacement value.

The general syntax is logical condition ~ replacement value, where the logical condition can involve multiple variables from a data frame. The sequence ends with TRUE ~ value for all other cases.

The sequence is evaluated in the order that it is put into case_when(). This syntax is best understood with an example.

The code below creates a simple data frame with results from a survey.

survey <- data.frame(age = c(24, 31, 28, 42, 18, 37, 51, 29),
                     occupation = c("Biotech", "Statistics", "Data Science",
                                    "Marketing","Biotech", "Data Science", 
                                    "Statistics", "Biotech"),
                     job_level = c("Entry", "Mid", "Mid", "Senior", "Entry", 
                                   "Mid", "Senior", "Mid"))


Next we use case_when() to create a new character vector within the survey data that labels people in statistics and 30 years or older as “Statistics, 30+”, people in Data Science that are 30 years or older as “Data Science, 30+”, and “Other” for all other combinations. Notice that for all other cases, we must provide TRUE to the logical condition in the case_when() function.

survey_updated <- 
  survey %>% 
  mutate(stat_ds_30 = case_when(age >= 30 & occupation == 'Statistics' ~ 'Statistics, 30+',
                                age >= 30 & occupation == "Data Science" ~ "Data Science, 30+",
                                TRUE ~ 'Other'))


Binning Numeric Variables with cut_*()

There are three very useful functions within the tidyverse package that perform automating binning of numeric data for quick exploratory analysis. These functions take a numeric vector as input and return a factor with labeled levels.

  • cut_interval() makes n groups with equal range
  • cut_number() makes n groups with (approximately) equal numbers of observations
  • cut_width() makes groups of a given width

Let’s use the survey_updated data frame to show how these functions work. The survey_updated data frame contains a numeric age column which we will transform into factor columns with various categories depending on the function we choose from above.


N groups with equal range

survey_updated <- 
  survey_updated %>% 
  mutate(age_interval = cut_interval(age, n = 3))

The new column, age_interval has 3 categories with equal range.

survey_updated %>% 

The counts for the age_interval column are as follows:

survey_updated %>% 


N groups with (approximately) equal numbers of observations

survey_updated <- 
  survey_updated %>% 
  mutate(age_number = cut_number(age, n = 3))

The new column, age_number has 3 categories with approximately equal counts.

survey_updated %>% 

The counts for the age_number column are as follows:

survey_updated %>% 


The cut_width() function takes a width argument which specifies the width of each interval and a boundary argument for centering intervals.

By default the boundary is equal to 0.5 which may led to intervals have non-integer endpoints. I usually set boundary to 0 so that the intervals always fall between integer values.

survey_updated <- 
  survey_updated %>% 
  mutate(age_width = cut_width(age, width = 10, boundary = 0))

The new column, age_width has 5 categories with 10-year widths that span the range of the age values.

survey_updated %>% 

The counts for the age_width column are as follows:

survey_updated %>% 

Example with employee_data

Let’s use the cut_width() function to accomplish the following data analysis workflow with dplyr

  • Start with employee_data
  • Create a miles_category variable that bins miles_from_home values in 5 mile increments
  • Form groups by left_company and miles_category
  • Count the number of employees that fall into each combination

employee_data %>% 
  mutate(miles_category = cut_width(miles_from_home, width = 5, boundary = 0)) %>% 
  group_by(left_company, miles_category) %>% 
  summarise(employees = n())

Optional Material

Writing Functions in R

There are many cases when we will have to write our own functions to achieve tasks in an analytics project. R functions can be defined to take any amount of inputs (usually called arguments) but only return one object.

The basic syntax of creating a function with arguments x and y is as follows:

my_function <- function(x, y) {
               R Code here 

Let’s write a simple function that takes a numeric vector as input and returns a vector of scaled values. For each value in our original vector, we will subtract the mean and divide by the standard deviation. I will show two equivalent ways of writing this function and discuss the difference.

Note that the input value is named x. This is complete arbitrary. The input value could also have been named input as long as the same name is used within the code of the function.

z_score_1 <- function(x) {
              return((x - mean(x))/sd(x))

# Let's test our function
age_vector <- c(18, 24, 21, 37, 51, 34, 41)

[1] -1.20 -0.70 -0.95  0.40  1.57  0.14  0.73

By default, an R function returns the results of the last operation that it performed. The code below is an equivalent way of writing the same function. In this case we do not need to use return to give us the result.

# Equivalent
z_score_2 <- function(x) {
              (x - mean(x))/sd(x)

# Check results
[1] -1.20 -0.70 -0.95  0.40  1.57  0.14  0.73

The return() call is useful when you need to return a list of results from a function. The function below creates three objects, mean_x, sd_x, and scaled_data. To obtain all of these results, we must use return and build a list that contains all of the objects.

# return a list
z_score_3 <- function(x) {
                mean_x <- mean(x) 
                sd_x <- sd(x) 
                scaled_data <- (x - mean_x)/sd_x
                return(list(mean_value = mean_x,
                            sd_value = sd_x,
                            scaled_vector = scaled_data)) 

detailed_results <- z_score_3(age_vector)

# View the results
[1] 32

[1] 12

[1] -1.20 -0.70 -0.95  0.40  1.57  0.14  0.73

Copyright © David Svancer 2023