In this tutorial, we will learn about classification with discriminant analysis and the K-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm. KNN can be used for both regression and classification and will serve as our first example for hyperparameter tuning. We will be using two data sets to demonstrate the algorithms in this lesson, churn_df and home_sales.

Click the button below to clone the course R tutorials into your DataCamp Workspace. DataCamp Workspace is a free computation environment that allows for execution of R and Python notebooks. Note - you will only have to do this once since all tutorials are included in the DataCamp Workspace GBUS 738 project.

The code below will load the required packages and data sets for this tutorial. We will need a new package for this lesson, discrim. This packages is part of tidymodels and serves as a general interface to discriminant analysis algorithms in R.

When installing discrim, you will also need to install the klaR package.

library(discrim) # for discriminant analysis

# Telecommunications customer churn data
churn_df <- readRDS(url(''))

# Seattle home sales
home_sales <- readRDS(url('')) %>% 


We will be working with the churn_df and home_sales data frames in this lesson.

Take a moment to explore these data sets below.

Telecommunication Customer Churn

A row in this data frame represents a customer at a telecommunications company. Each customer has purchased phone and internet services from this company.

The outcome variable in this data is churn which indicates whether the customer terminated their services.

Seattle Home Sales

A row in this data frame represents a home that was sold in the Seattle area between 2014 and 2015.

The outcome variable in this data is selling_price.

Linear Discriminant Analysis

Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is a classification algorithm where the set of predictor variables are assumed to follow a multivariate normal distribution with a common covariance matrix. As we saw in our lecture, this algorithm produces a linear decision boundary.

Both linear and quadratic discriminant analysis can be specified with the discrim_regularized() function from the discrim package.

Let’s use LDA to predict whether customers will cancel their telecommunications service in the churn_df data frame. We will follow our standard machine learning workflow that was introduced in the logistic regression tutorial.

Data Splitting

In this case, our event of interest is churn == 'yes'. This is what we would like to map to the positive class when calculating our performance metrics.

The code below shows that yes is mapped to the first level of the churn variable. Since todymodels maps the first level to the positive class in all performance metrics functions, we do not need to recode the levels of this variable.

[1] "yes" "no" 

Now we can proceed to split our data with initial_split().

set.seed(314) # Remember to always set your seed. Any integer will work

churn_split <- initial_split(churn_df, prop = 0.75, 
                             strata = churn)

churn_training <- churn_split %>% training()

churn_test <- churn_split %>% testing()

Feature Engineering

We have a mixture of numeric and factor predictor variables in our data. We will use step_dummy() to convert all factor variables to numeric indicator variables.

It is also standard practice to center and scale our numeric predictors. If needed, we can also adjust for skewness with step_YeoJohnson().

Let’s make histograms of our numeric predictors to see if this is needed. We have skewness present in late_payments.

Histograms of numeric predictors


ggplot(data = churn_df, mapping = aes(x = monthly_charges)) +
  geom_histogram(fill = '#006EA1', color = 'white', bins = 20) +
  labs(title = 'Distribution of Monthly Charges') +


ggplot(data = churn_df, mapping = aes(x = late_payments)) +
  geom_histogram(fill = '#006EA1', color = 'white', bins = 20) +
  labs(title = 'Distribution of Late Payments') +

Feature Engineering Recipe

Now we can create a feature engineering recipe for this data. We will train the following transformations on our training data.

  • Remove skewness from numeric predictors
  • Normalize all numeric predictors
  • Create dummy variables for all nominal predictors

churn_recipe <- recipe(churn ~ ., data = churn_training) %>% 
                       step_YeoJohnson(all_numeric(), -all_outcomes()) %>% 
                       step_normalize(all_numeric(), -all_outcomes()) %>% 
                       step_dummy(all_nominal(), -all_outcomes())

Let’s check to see if the feature engineering steps have been carried out correctly.

churn_recipe %>% 
  prep(training = churn_training) %>% 
  bake(new_data = NULL)

LDA Model Specification

Linear discriminant analysis is specified with the discrim_regularized function. The optional frac_common_cov is used to specify an LDA or QDA model.

For LDA, we set frac_common_cov = 1. This instructs discrim_regularied that we are assuming that each class in the response variable has the same variance. This is the core assumption of the LDA model.

FOR QDA, we set frac_common_cov = 0, indicating that each class within our response variable has its own class-specific variance.

lda_model <- discrim_regularized(frac_common_cov = 1) %>% 
             set_engine('klaR') %>% 

Create a Workflow

Next we create a workflow that combines our feature engineering steps and LDA model.

lda_wf <- workflow() %>% 
          add_model(lda_model) %>% 

Train and Evaluate With last_fit()

Finally we will train our model and estimate performance on our test data set using the last_fit() function.

last_fit_lda <- lda_wf %>% 
                last_fit(split = churn_split)

To obtain the metrics on the test set (accuracy and roc_auc by default) we use collect_metrics(). Based on area under the ROC curve, our model has a “B”.

last_fit_lda %>% collect_metrics()

We can also obtain a data frame with test set results by using the collect_predictions() function. In the code below, we call this lda_predictions. It contains the estimated probabilities for customers canceling their service, .pred_yes, the predicted class of our response variable, .pred_class, and the truth, churn.

lda_predictions <- last_fit_lda %>% 


We can use this data frame to make an ROC plot by using roc_curve() and autoplot().

lda_predictions %>% 
  roc_curve(truth = churn, .pred_yes) %>% 

We can also use the lda_predictions results to explore the confusion matrix and other performance metrics, such as the F1 score, on our test data.

Confusion Matrix

We see that our model made 41 false negatives and 30 false positives. In this case, predicting that a customer will not cancel their service when in fact they do seems like the more costly error.

conf_mat(lda_predictions, truth = churn, estimate = .pred_class)
Prediction yes  no
       yes 101  30
       no   33 137

F1 Score

f_meas(lda_predictions, truth = churn, estimate = .pred_class)

Quadratic Discriminant Analysis

To fit a quadratic discriminant analysis model, we will have to make some minor adjustments to our workflow from the previous section. We have already split our data and trained our feature engineering steps so we only need to create a new QDA model specification with discrim_regularized() and a new workflow object.

QDA Model Specification

FOR QDA, we set frac_common_cov = 0, indicating that each class within our response variable has its own class-specific variance.

qda_model <- discrim_regularized(frac_common_cov = 0) %>% 
             set_engine('klaR') %>% 

Create a Workflow

Next we create a QDA workflow object that combines our feature engineering steps from the previous section and our QDA model.

qda_wf <- workflow() %>% 
          add_model(qda_model) %>% 

Train and Evaluate With last_fit()

Finally we will train our model and estimate performance on our test data set using the last_fit() function.

last_fit_qda <- qda_wf %>% 
                last_fit(split = churn_split)

Based on the area under the ROC curve, our QDA model had similar performance to our LDA model. Remember that QDA is a more complicated model than LDA since we are estimating more parameters.

Since we didn’t get any improvement in terms of model performance, it is always recommended to choose the simpler model if we are deciding which one to use in production.

last_fit_qda %>% collect_metrics()

K-Nearest Neighbor

In this section we will learn how to perform regression and classification using the k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm and hyperparameter tuning with cross validation.


We will use KNN to predict whether customers will cancel their service in our chrun_df data. To do this, we have to adjust our machine learning workflow by incorporating hyperparameter tuning.

Data Splitting

Since we need to perform hyperparameter tuning, we need to add the extra step of creating cross validation folds from our training data. This is done with the vfold_cv() function.

In the code below, we further split our churn_training data into folds with vfold_cv(). The v parameter specifies how many folds to create. In our example below, we are creating 5 folds.

### Create folds for cross validation on the training data set
## These will be used to tune model hyperparameters

churn_folds <- vfold_cv(churn_training, v = 5)

Feature Engineering

Since we have already trained our feature engineering steps, we can use the churn_recipe in our KNN modeling.

KNN Model Specification

The nearest_neighbor() function from the parnsip package serves as a general interface to KNN modeling engines in R. It has the following important hyperparameter:

  • neighbors - A single integer for the number of neighbors to consider (often called K). For the “kknn” engine, a value of 5 is used if neighbors is not specified

To determine the optimal value of neighbors, we need to perform hyperparameter tuning. Whenever we have a hyperparameter we would like to tune, we must set it equal to tune() in our model specification. In the code below, we specify our KNN classification model with the “kknn” engine.

knn_model <- nearest_neighbor(neighbors = tune()) %>% 
             set_engine('kknn') %>% 

Creating a Workflow

As before the next step is to create a workflow with our recipe and model.

knn_wf <- workflow() %>% 
          add_model(knn_model) %>% 

Hyperparameter tuning

Hyperparameter tuning is performed using a grid search algorithm. To do this, we must create a data frame with a column name that matches our hyperparameter, neighbors in this case, and values we wish to test.

In the code below we use the tibble() function to create a data frame with values of neighbors ranging from 10 to 150. Our goal here is to choose a range of values to test, from small to relatively large numbers of neighbors.

## Create a grid of hyperparameter values to test
k_grid <- tibble(neighbors = c(10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150))

# View grid

Now that we have a data frame with the values of neighbors to test, we can use the tune_grid() function to determine the optimal value of our hyperparameter.

The tune_grid() function takes a model or workflow object, cross validation folds, and a tuning grid as arguments. It is recommended to use set.seed() before hyperparameter tuning so that you can reproduce your results at a later time.

## Tune  workflow

knn_tuning <- knn_wf %>% 
              tune_grid(resamples = churn_folds,
                         grid = k_grid)

To view the results of our hyperparameter tuning, we can use the show_best() function. We must pass the type of performance metric we would like to see into the show_best() function.

From the results below, we see that for each value of neighbors we specified, tune_grid() fit a KNN model with that parameter value 5 times (since we have 5 folds in our cross validation object). The mean column in the results below indicates the average value of the performance metric that was obtained.

## Show the top 5 best models based on roc_auc metric
knn_tuning %>% show_best('roc_auc')

We can use the select_best() model to select the model from our tuning results that had the best overall performance. In the code below, we specify to select the best performing model based on the roc_auc metric. We see that the model with 150 neighbors performed the best.

## Select best model based on roc_auc
best_k <- knn_tuning %>% 
          select_best(metric = 'roc_auc')

## View model

The last step is to use finalize_workflow() to add our optimal model to our workflow object.

## Finalize workflow by adding the best performing model
final_knn_wf <- knn_wf %>% 

Train and Evaluate With last_fit()

After we have tuned our hyperparameter, neighbors, and finalized our workflow object with the optimal model, we perform the same last steps as before. We will train our model and estimate performance on our test data set using the last_fit() function.

last_fit_knn <- final_knn_wf %>% 
                last_fit(split = churn_split)

Based on area under the ROC curve, our model has a “B-” and performs slightly worse than LDA and QDA.

last_fit_knn %>% collect_metrics()

ROC Curve

Let’s also have a look at our ROC curve and confusion matrix.

knn_predictions <- last_fit_knn %>% 


We can use this data frame to make an ROC plot by using roc_curve() and autoplot().

knn_predictions %>% 
  roc_curve(truth = churn, .pred_yes) %>% 

Confusion Matrix

We see that our model made 42 false negatives and 37 false positives.

conf_mat(knn_predictions, truth = churn, estimate = .pred_class)
Prediction yes  no
       yes  94  29
       no   40 138


In this final section, we will demonstrate a complete machine learning workflow that incorporates hyperparameter tuning. We will use KNN to predict the selling price of homes using the home_sales data.

Data Splitting

First we split our data into training and test sets. We also create 5 cross validation folds from our training data for hyperparameter tuning.


# Create a split object
homes_split <- initial_split(home_sales, prop = 0.75, 
                             strata = selling_price)

# Build training data set
homes_training <- homes_split %>% 

# Build testing data set
homes_test <- homes_split %>% 

## Cross Validation folds
homes_folds <- vfold_cv(homes_training, v = 5)

Feature Engineering

Next, we specify our feature engineering recipe. In this step, we do not use prep() or bake(). This recipe will be automatically applied in a later step using the workflow() and last_fit() functions.

For our model formula, we are specifying that selling_price is our response variable and all others are predictor variables.

homes_recipe <- recipe(selling_price ~ ., data = homes_training) %>% 
                step_YeoJohnson(all_numeric(), -all_outcomes()) %>% 
                step_normalize(all_numeric(), -all_outcomes()) %>% 
                step_dummy(all_nominal(), - all_outcomes())

As an intermediate step, let’s check our recipe by prepping it on the training data and applying it to the test data. We want to make sure that we get the correct transformations.

From the results below, things look correct.

homes_recipe %>% 
  prep(training = homes_training) %>% 
  bake(new_data = homes_test)

KNN Regression Model Specification

Next, we specify our KNN regression model with nearest_neighbor(). We set neighbors to tune() for hyperparameter tuning and make sure to set the mode to regression.

knn_reg <- nearest_neighbor(neighbors = tune()) %>% 
            set_engine('kknn') %>% 

Create a Workflow

Next, we combine our model and recipe into a workflow object.

knn_reg_wf <- workflow() %>% 
              add_model(knn_reg) %>% 

Hyperparameter tuning

Let’s test the same values of neighbors as before.

## Create a grid of hyperparameter values to test
k_grid_reg <- tibble(neighbors = c(10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150))

# View grid

Now that we have a data frame with the values of neighbors to test, we can use the tune_grid() function to determine the optimal value of our hyperparameter.

The tune_grid() function takes a model or workflow object, cross validation folds, and a tuning grid as arguments. It is recommended to use set.seed() before hyperparameter tuning so that you can reproduce your results at a later time.

## Tune  workflow

knn_reg_tuning <- knn_reg_wf %>% 
                  tune_grid(resamples = homes_folds,
                            grid = k_grid_reg)

Since we are fitting a regression model, the performance metrics of interest include rsq and rmse. Let’s use show_best() to display the best performing model based on R2

## Show the top 5 best models based on rsq metric
knn_reg_tuning %>% show_best('rsq')

We can use the select_best() model to select the model from our tuning results that had the best overall performance. In the code below, we specify to select the best performing model based on the rsq metric. We see that the model with 20 neighbors performed the best.

## Select best model based on roc_auc
best_k_reg <- knn_reg_tuning %>% 
              select_best(metric = 'rsq')

## View model

The last step is to use finalize_workflow() to add our optimal model to our workflow object.

## Finalize workflow by adding the best performing model

final_knn_reg_wf <- knn_reg_wf %>% 

Train and Evaluate With last_fit()

Finally, we process our machine learning workflow with last_fit().

homes_knn_fit <- final_knn_reg_wf %>% 
                 last_fit(split = homes_split)

To obtain the performance metrics and predictions on the test set, we use the collect_metrics() and collect_predictions() functions on our homes_knn_fit object.

# Obtain performance metrics on test data
homes_knn_fit %>% collect_metrics()

We can save the test set predictions by using the collect_predictions() function. This function returns a data frame which will have the response variables values from the test set and a column named .pred with the model predictions.

# Obtain test set predictions data frame
homes_knn_results <- homes_knn_fit %>% 

# View results

R2 Plot

Finally, let’s use the homes_knn_results data frame to make an R2 plot to visualize our model performance on the test data set. The coord_obs_pred() function will set the x and y axis scales to be identical and the scale_*_continuous() functions convert the axis labels to comma format. This will make the plot easier to interpret.

ggplot(data = homes_knn_results,
       mapping = aes(x = .pred, y = selling_price)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.25) +
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = 'red', linetype = 2) +
  coord_obs_pred() +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
  labs(title = 'KNN Regression Results - Home Sales Test Set',
       x = 'Predicted Selling Price',
       y = 'Actual Selling Price')


Copyright © David Svancer 2023